講座日期:10/25(三) 15:30-18:00
Disseminating Chinese performing arts: the Geneva Bibliothèque Sino-Internationale (1932-1950) and audio-visual material
A large cultural agency active in Geneva from 1932 to 1950, the Bibliothèque Sino-Internationale can be duly considered as the most significant project of cultural diplomacy of Republican China.
Many factors contributed to the choice of Geneva for hosting the BSI, one of them being the presence in the city of the League of Nations, a seminal institution for international collaborations in the fields of science and culture. The League bodies for intellectual cooperation are the direct precursors of UNESCO, and many international institutions - related to audio-visual archives, radio, museums, folk arts, etc. - came into existence around it.
This presentation will narrate the story of the BSI, with a focus on the use of audio-visual material in the promotion in the West of Chinese performing arts: music, theater, and cinema.
Xavier Bouvier (日內瓦音樂大學教授)
Professor, Geneva University of Music (Haute école de musique, HEM)
Xavier Bouvier studied composition and music theory at the Geneva Music Conservatory. Professor at the Geneva Haute école de musique (HEM), a school of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Western Switzerland, he served there as Professor for music theory, Deputy director and Head of studies. He is now running a Master in Ethnomusicology, a joint program between HEM and the Universities of Geneva and Neuchâtel.
Xavier Bouvier has been involved in many research projects focused on 18th century French music theory and music aesthetics. In the last 15 years, he has been running research projects related to inter-cultural issues, primarily in relation to China and India: intercultural dimension of the musical creative process, trans-cultural music theory, cultural borrowing, cultural cross-understanding, comparative music education and cultural diplomacy.
Xavier Bouvier gives regular conferences in congresses and symposiums around Europe and Asia. He plays piano, viola da gamba and, as an amateur, the Chinese sanxian.
Chinese music dissemination and performance in early-twentieth-century Europe: The concert “Chinese Music” at Musée Guimet in 1929
十九世紀中葉,隨著萬國博覽會的舉行與中國雜技團到歐洲的演出,西方人士開始在當地接觸到中國音樂。然而,中國音樂一詞僅侷限於所謂的「異國情調」,直到二十世紀初,隨著中國學生前往歐洲各學術機構深造,中國音樂在留學生的發揚下別開生面,開始成為一門專精的表演藝術與研究課題。其中,令人矚目的是1929年由法國東方之友協會(L’Association française des amis de l’Orient)與中國知識分子互助協會(Société chinoise de l’Entr’aide intellectuelle)共同籌畫,在巴黎吉美博物館(Musée Guimet)演出的一場名為《中國音樂》(Musique chinoise)的音樂會。
本演講將以珍藏於巴黎中國學院(L'Institut des hautes études chinoises)檔案室裡的手稿資料,研究該音樂會的籌辦過程與節目單的設計,以了解時代背景如何影響音樂類型的選取。此外,中國音樂如何在法國與歐洲其他各國傳播,也是該演講關注的課題,除了音樂會、音樂節的舉行,留聲機、唱片的流行,助長了中國音樂的流傳,中國學院的成立更是讓中國音樂成為一門具有學術研究價值的科目。
廖慧貞 Claire Liao (《日內瓦中國國際圖書館(BSI)》計畫博士後研究合作員)
Postdoctoral research collaborator, "Geneva Bibliothèque Sino-Internationale"
巴黎索邦第四大學音樂學(Musicologie de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris 4) 博士,巴黎大學《音樂語言與遺產》(Patrimoines et Langages Musicaux)研究室合作研究員(chercheuse associée),現為日內瓦高等音樂院跨國研究計畫《日內瓦中國國際圖書館》 (La Bibliothèque Sino-Internationale de Genève (1932-1949) : diffusion et réception des arts chinois à l’époque de la Chine Républicaine,主持人Xavier Bouvier, 2022-2024) 科學合作研究員。
致力於中法音樂文化交流研究,尤以音樂學者拉盧瓦(Louis Laloy 1874-1944) 的生平、中法交流活動與其對當代受中國靈感創作的法國音樂家的影響為主要研究範圍。2016年於共同主編論文集《遠東與西方,音樂與文化》(Jean-Jacques Velly and Hui-Chen Liao eds., Extreme-Orient et Occident, Musique et Culture, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2016)發表論文,也有關於德布西與東方音樂藝術之專文。目前也任教於法國艾仲維利音樂院 (Conservatoire de musique d’Ezanville) ,教授鋼琴演奏法與風格詮釋。